Legal notice

The present general conditions (hereinafter the General Conditions) regulate access to and use of the website (hereinafter the Website) that UBESOL S.L. (hereinafter UBESOL) makes available to users.

The use of this Website implies full acceptance by the user of all the General Conditions in force at any time when the user accesses it. Therefore if you do not agree with any of the conditions outlined herein, you must abstain from using this Website.

UBESOL reserves the right to modify these General Conditions, without prior notice, and likewise they reserve the right to modify the configuration, location and any other applicable general or specific terms, regulations of use, instructions or notices. Likewise UBESOL reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or cease to operate the Website at any time.


UBESOL offers the following services through its website:

  • Information about UBESOL, its brands and products, description of its centres and their characteristics.
  • Response to any requests for information, questions or comments that users might have about our products.

UBESOL reserves the right to withdraw, modify, or extend the services provided, without prior notice.

  1. USERS.

The use of this Website and of any of its services, attributes the condition of user and implies the unreserved acceptance of all of the general conditions, as well as any particular conditions, which, where applicable, regulate the use of the Website or the connected services.

If the user decides not to accept all or part of these present conditions, they must abstain from accessing the website and from using its content or services.

The user recognises that he/she is over eighteen years of age and accepts that the access and use of the Website and/or of the Contents included therein for particular or specific purposes, takes place freely and consciously, under his/her exclusive liability.


By simply accessing the website or any of its connected services, the user undertakes to use them diligently and correctly, in accordance with these present conditions and in accordance with the law, morality and public order, assuming, among others, the following obligations:

  • Not to use the content and in particular the information obtained through the Website to send advertising messages for sales or any other commercial purpose or to collect or store personal data.
  • To abstain from removing the signs identifying the rights (intellectual, industrial property or any other) of UBESOL, their subsidiaries or any third parties, that appear on the Website and in each of the services offered through said website.
  • To abstain from eluding or manipulating any technical device set by UBESOL or by third parties, whether on the website, in the services integrated therein, or in any of the elements, materials or information obtained therein for the protection of their rights.
  • Not to use or apply technical or technological resources which users can benefit directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from the unauthorized exploitation of the services or contents of the Website.
  • Not to include, store or disseminate through the Website or through any connected services, any information or material that may be defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, pornographic, advocating terrorism, inciting violence or discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, creed or religion or that in any other way threatens the public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honour, privacy or image of third parties and current legislation in general.
  • Not to include, store or disseminate through the Website or through any connected services, any computer programme, data, virus, code and in general, abstain from performing any actions which may, in any way, cause damage to, render inoperable, overload or deteriorate the website, the equipment, systems, networks, programs, data or information belonging to UBESOL, their suppliers, any user, or in general to any third party, and prevent the normal operation or enjoyment of the website and any connected services.
  • Respond to the damages that UBESOL, their subsidiaries, workers, suppliers, clients, other users and third parties in general, may suffer as a consequence of the non-compliance with the present conditions or the particular conditions applicable to the services connected to the website, obliging them to indemnify UBESOL, their subsidiaries, workers, clients and suppliers against any claim, demand or sanction that may be formulated or imposed as a direct or indirect consequence of the aforementioned breach.



All of the website is protected by the Spanish and international laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property. Likewise, the content of this website is considered as a computer program, therefore all of the Spanish and EU legislation in force is applicable. The Intellectual Property rights of the content assigned to our website, are the property of the respective authors. The rest are the property of UBESOL.

Said ownership includes but is not limited to: the page itself, screens, the information and materials included therein, the structure, selection, ordering and presentation of the content therein, computer programs, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, databases, technology, computer hardware, know-how, brands, distinctive symbols, logos, domain names, and in general, any type of creation or material accessible through the website.

The user recognises and accepts the existence of the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights of third parties over some of the previously mentioned elements, which they are also obliged to respect.

UBESOL authorizes each of its users to use its Website and the content and services therein exclusively for their own personal use, therefore meaning that they are not permitted to carry out, directly or indirectly, the commercial exploitation of the services, materials, elements or information obtained thereof. As a consequence, the user may only download the content, copy or print any page of this website for their own private use. This authorization to make a private copy does not imply the granting of any license or exploitation rights to the user.


The links that appear on this page are solely for information purposes. UBESOL does not hold any responsibility for the content of said websites. Any references made on UBESOL’s website to any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any information using the brand, the commercial name or the manufacturer or supplier, etc. owned by third parties, does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by UBESOL.


UBESOL takes all of the necessary measures to guarantee the availability and continuity of the website as well as its affiliate services. Nonetheless, UBESOL cannot guarantee that the Website and its affiliate services will function correctly at all times or that the user will be able to access and use said applications in a fast, uninterrupted and error-free manner. Likewise, UBESOL makes no guarantee as to the content and suitability of the website or any of its affiliate services to satisfy the specific needs of the user.

UBESOL will act diligently according to the generally accepted uses in the sector in order to prevent the presence on the Website or in any of the services linked to the same, of any viruses or other harmful elements that could cause alterations to the users’ computer systems or their electronic documents or files, but it cannot guarantee the absence of such elements and may not be held liable for any damages that could be caused by the same.

UBESOL does not control, endorse or guarantee the accuracy, quality, veracity, reliability or suitability of the information and services provided or rendered by third parties through the website. Likewise, it does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or any other harmful elements in the content or services provided or rendered by third parties through the website.


UBESOL reserves the right to exercise any actions available by Law in order to demand liabilities that may arise from the breach of any of the provisions of these General Conditions of the Website by a user.


The declaration of any of the clauses contained in these General Conditions as null, invalid or unenforceable will not affect the validity or enforceability of the rest of the clauses, which will continue to be binding between the parties. The waiver by any of the parties to demand compliance with any of the general conditions stipulated herein at any given time shall not imply a general waiver to comply with any other condition or conditions, nor shall it create an acquired right for the other party.


For any dispute regarding the conditions for the use and access to this Website contained in this Legal Information, as well as any other relationship between you as a visiting user and UBESOL, will be governed by Spanish legislation, expressly waiving the right to any other jurisdiction to which you may be entitled and submitting yourself to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valencia.